Le trattative tra la Roma e il Chelsea per portare Dzeko a Londra vanno avanti. Come riportato da Haris Mrkonja, giornalista bosniaco, i Blues non sono stati colpiti dall’impiego del giocatore contro la Sampdoria. Il tutto procede molto lentamente e piano piano si va verso la chiusura del mercato.
Inoltre l’agente del giocatore avrebbe detto al giornalista: “Andrò a Londra per ascoltare un’offerta, ma non per chiudere subito“.
"I will go to London to hear an offer. Not to close right away".
That's what #Dzeko agent told me days ago. So, I'm not surprised that completing this deal is taking some time. My best guess is that it's going to get done anyway, but not as easy as everyone thinks.
— Haris Mrkonja N1 (@harismrkonjan1) January 26, 2018
Seems that #Chelsea are not impressed with #DiFrancesco decision to make #Dzeko play vs Sampdoria on Wednesday. The talks between the player and #CFC are proceeding very slowly, as I reported days ago. Still work to do before it's done!
— Haris Mrkonja N1 (@harismrkonjan1) January 26, 2018